Roomba app not connecting to WiFi

Roomba app not connecting to WiFi

You'll be requested (via the companion app) to pair the new robot vacuum with a compatible Wi-Fi network when turning on your Roomba for the first time. The bot will normally connect to the Wi-Fi network to which your phone is attached, so this process should be quick and painless. However, there are occasions when the connection may not be as simple.
Here are the steps to follow when your Roomba app not connecting to WiFi.
Step 1: Make sure your Wi-Fi network is functioning properly first.
Because we're so accustomed to all of our web-connected devices working, we occasionally take this troubleshooting step for granted. In some instances, even though your Wi-Fi is operational, it might not be performing at its best, making it challenging to connect to and register new devices. Rebooting your router is a quick cure if you discover your network is running a little slower than usual or you're having trouble connecting your new robot vacuum. We advise unplugging the router, waiting around 15 seconds, and then re-powering it.
Step 2: You must make sure your Roomba is plugged into the proper wifi network band.
The majority of wireless routers today broadcast both 2.4GHz and 5GHz bands, including those from your cable company. Traditionally, 5GHz is advised for connecting equipment that is close to your router, while 2.4GHz is best for operating equipment that is farther away from your router's home base.
While it is generally advised to keep robot vacuums connected to the 2.4GHz band, several Roomba models can pair with a 5GHz network.
Step 3: If your Roomba's performance has been a little erratic, distance may be the issue. For best performance, your vacuum's base of operations should be located relatively close to your router.
The less bandwidth your dock sends back to the Roomba, the further the base station is from your router.
If the charging station for your Roomba is far from your router, think about moving it closer to your network hub.
Step 4: If all else fails and you can't get your Roomba to work properly, you may need to do a factory reset. Your vacuum's internal memory is virtually erased throughout this operation, so you'll probably need to add it to the app again as if it were brand-new.